Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

International Study: No Room for New Gas in Ireland’s Energy Transition

A new study by Oil Change International has found that drilling for more new gas in Irish waters is not compatible with achieving the Paris Agreement to limit climate change. The report assesses the role of fossil gas in the energy system against the background of Ireland’s own decarbonization targets, and our obligations under the Paris Agreement.

Statement on family separation actions by Trump administration

Like many, we at Oil Change International struggle to find the words to convey how horrified we are at the inhumane, unjust actions being perpetrated by agents of the Trump administration, as they tear apart and terrorize families seeking a new future at the border of the United States.