Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

NC Fails Residents by Approving Atlantic Coast Pipeline Permit

"The additional ‘restrictions’ placed are woefully inadequate. The DEQ mandates the use of ‘Horizontal Directional Drilling’ to protect the Neuse River – yet this same drilling technique is so dangerous that it’s resulted in state and federal regulators shutting down construction of two major natural gas pipelines just this month."

Alberta’s XL bailout a desperate attempt to save TransCanada’s doomed Keystone XL

"When even Enbridge is calling this a subsidy, you know Alberta’s XL bailout is another desperate attempt at a lifeline for a pipeline that will never be built. Keystone XL would be a disaster for the climate, and watching governments bend over backwards to be a part of that is heartbreaking in a year where you could barely catch your breath between climate disasters."

Release: New offshore drilling plan a slap in the face to Americans, but a gift to Big Oil

Today’s new offshore drilling plan reveals, once again, that Trump’s energy strategy entails little more than smoothing the road for Big Oil to to get whatever they want. This plan is a gift to companies that want open access to our protected ocean waters and has literally no rational basis other than to curry favor with the oil industry. This is a purely political move devoid of any economic or demand driver.

Statement: The Managed Decline of Fossil Fuels Begins

The managed decline of fossil fuels has begun. Leaders around the world have a choice: Will they join France in moving forward in ending fossil fuel extraction and managing the decline of the fossil fuel industry? Or will they continue to deny full steam ahead off the cliff to climate disaster and economic disarray?