Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Statement On Congressional Efforts to Extend 45Q

f passed, Oil Change International’s forthcoming analysis reveals that this legislation would be worth up to $4.5 billion each year to the oil industry, making it the largest single federal handout to the fossil fuel industry.

Statement Ahead of Trump Tax Restructuring Speech

It’s unfortunately fitting that Trump chose an oil refinery to stage his speech on ‘reforming’ the tax code. He’s railed against special interest loopholes, but Trump’s so-called energy dominance agenda relies on massive taxpayer handouts to oil, gas, and coal companies.

Oil Change International statement on Hurricane Harvey

We stand with the communities in the Gulf in their daily push back against the dirty oil and gas industry, and our hearts are with them particularly in these days of acute threats to their lives, homes, and communities.

Oil Change International Responds to Trump Infrastructure Executive Order

“Trump has once again proved himself to be a reckless cynic doing the bidding of his billionaire developer friends. What he and his big business cronies call ‘streamlining,' Americans recognize as cutting corners and ramming dangerous projects down the throats of citizens voicing opposition."

New report: Norway one of world’s largest emissions exporters

Norway’s plans for fossil fuel development are at odds with its commitments to the Paris climate goals according to a new report. In addition to being the world’s seventh largest emissions exporter, projected oil and gas development in the country are incompatible with global carbon budgets aligned with limiting global warming to 2 degrees Celsius or 1.5 degrees Celsius.