Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Statement on Clinton opposition to Keystone XL

We're glad to see that Secretary Clinton has weighed the evidence and moved from being 'inclined to support' the Keystone XL pipeline to clear opposition. It's clear that the more you look at this pipeline, the more you realize it's the wrong choice for this country.

Statement on House Subcommittee Vote on Crude Export Ban

Eliminating the crude export ban would not only hurt the many communities facing dangerous oil extraction in their backyards but also our climate, as the industry digs up unburnable oil at an even faster clip. The only beneficiaries of gutting this law are the Big Oil Executives seeking to pad their profits.

Oil Change International Statement and Materials Regarding Presidential Alaska Visit

President Obama and Secretary Kerry should recognize that every devastating impact of climate change they encounter in the Arctic will only be the tip of the iceberg if Big Oil is allowed to continue their high risk Arctic projects. Approving Royal Dutch Shell’s drilling permits one week and going to the Arctic to show your commitment to climate action the next is dissonance at best and downright hypocrisy at worst.

New report details the climate case against drilling in the Arctic

Our new report today details a clear case against drilling for oil in the Arctic ocean based on climate science imperatives. The report shows U.S. Arctic offshore oil should be deemed an “untouchable” fossil fuel reserve by any reasonable measure.