Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Oil Change International reaction: COP28 agrees to ‘transition away from fossil fuels’

“People power put a full, fast, fair, and funded fossil fuel phaseout at the top of the UN agenda. While we didn’t get there, we secured the first UN climate agreement that calls on all countries to ‘transition away from fossil fuels,’ sending an unprecedented signal to the fossil fuel industry that its days are numbered. This progress has only been achieved by decades of struggle by frontline communities, Indigenous Peoples, and the most affected countries."

Press Release: Strong outcome to end of the fossil fuel era backed by large majority of UNFCCC Parties 

Analysis released today by the Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN) and Oil Change International confirms that: At least 127 countries have called for or endorsed a decision to phaseout fossil fuels at this year’s UN climate negotiations. These countries account for 71.7% of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, and represent 46.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions and 69.7% of global GDP.

Dropping at COP 28- December 11, 2023 – Media Advisory

As the negotiations heat up, so does the pressure to deliver a fossil fuel phaseout. In the final hours of COP28, groups push to exclude fossil fuel industry dangerous distractions from global climate change agreement. Join us for the events below. We will follow up with a reaction to the latest GST draft once it becomes available. 

Response to new, dangerous draft of Global Stocktake

Minutes ago, the UNFCCC published the latest draft of the Global Stocktake, which countries will negotiate into the final hours of the UN climate talks in Dubai, and be the defining agreement of COP28.

Norge på andreplass i verden for subsidier til karbonfangst og -lagring (CCS)

Norge er på andreplass i verden i offentlige subsidier til karbonfangst og -lagring (CCS), viser en oppdatert analyse fra Oil Change International (OCI). USA er på førsteplass, med EU på tredjeplass. - CCS stjeler oppmerksomhet fra reelle klimatiltak, sier Aled Dilwyn Fisher i Oil Change International.