Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Exxon to World: Drop Dead

Exxon’s report, “Energy and Carbon - Managing the Risks" flatly states “we do not anticipate society being able to supplant traditional carbon- based forms of energy with other energy forms, such as renewables, to the extent needed to meet this carbon budget”. See Oil Change International Executive Director Stephen Kretzmann’s response.

“Frack Water” Cologne Ad Exposes Motives Behind Gov. Brown’s Fracking Push

California Governor Jerry Brown is taking a hit today for his penchant for fracking and dirty energy donations with a new satirical online video launched by Oil Change International (OCI) and Heavy Crude Video. The video is the latest escalation of the Big Oil Brown campaign effort sponsored by OCI, pushing for a ban on fracking for oil and gas in the state.

Big Oil Set to Claim Influential Senate Energy Chair

In an attempt to bolster Senator Landrieu’s upcoming re-election bid, the Democratic leadership in the Senate is set to make her the new chairperson of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

State Department admits Keystone XL could equal 5.7 million cars

The President says he understands climate and is committed to acting in the interests of posterity and not big donors. That means rejecting Keystone XL, plain and simple. The President and Secretary of State Kerry have all the information they need to reject this pipeline.

Response to Senate Energy Committee Hearing on Crude Export Ban

Lifting the crude oil export ban is an idea only the oil companies and their paid Representatives in Washington could love. Exporting US crude oil will immediately raise the price of oil in North America, raise profits for Big Oil, and thus increase dangerous drilling in our backyards and on our public lands. More drilling means more climate change, more pipeline spills, more rail car explosions, and more poisoned land and water.