Fact Sheet • Asia

Asia Gas Factsheet #3: No Gas Needed

Published by: Oil Change International

Gas infrastructure locks in decades of new carbon emissions and slows the transition to clean energy. This fact sheet provides insights into the latest research on achieving fossil-free electricity.

Published by Oil Change International

October 2023

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The fossil gas industry works hard to portray gas as essential to the transition to a clean energy future. However, this ignores the fact that gas is expensive, risky, and dirty. New gas infrastructure locks in decades of new carbon emissions and slows the transition to clean energy. Real-world experience and ongoing research show that transitioning to a clean power system without gas is achievable using a suite of readily available policies, tools, and technologies.

This fact sheet provides insights into the latest research on achieving fossil-free electricity, outlines solutions for maximizing renewable electricity, and highlights policies to enable this change.

The following infographic, called Achieving Fossil Free Electricity, shows the many choices available for supporting & solar to achieve reliable, dispatchable fossil-free energy. Our companion online glossary provides info and links to additional resources on these technologies and policies to scale up renewables.