
The Elephant in the Room: Canada’s Fossil Fuel Subsidies Undermine Carbon Pricing Efforts

Published by: Oil Change International, Environmental Defence, Équiterre, and Climate Action Network Canada

Each year, federal and provincial governments pay billions in hand-outs to Canada’s coal, oil and gas companies, undermining both existing and proposed climate action in Canada.

The Elephant in the Room

Canada’s carbon pricing is undermined by its subsidies to fossil fuel producers.

November 2016
Oil Change International, Environmental Defence, Équiterre, and Climate Action Network Canada

Download the report here.
Download the report in French here.

Every year, federal and provincial government pay billions in hand-outs to Canada’s coal, oil and gas companies, undermining climate action in Canada. Fossil fuel subsidies to producers total $3.3 billion annually, which amounts to paying polluters $19/tonne to pollute.

Canada’s fossil fuel subsidies drastically undercut the goal of the pan-Canadian carbon price that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will introduce in 2018. It’s time to stop these harmful and counter-productive subsidies.

Download the report here.
Download the report in French here.