
Oil Change International publishes upwards of 20 reports and briefings every year focused on supporting the movement for a just phase-out of fossil fuels.

Banking on Climate Chaos 2023: Fossil Fuel Finance Report

This report, Banking on Climate Chaos 2023, analyzes fossil fuel financing and policies from the world’s 60 largest commercial and investment banks. We reveal that fossil fuel financing from the world’s 60 largest banks has reached nearly USD $5.5 trillion in the seven years since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, with $673 billion in 2022 alone.

Banking on Climate Chaos 2021: Fossil Fuel Finance Report

This report analyzes fossil fuel financing from the world’s 60 largest commercial and investment banks — aggregating their leading roles in lending and underwriting of debt and equity issuances — and reveals that these banks poured a total of USD $3.8 trillion into fossil fuels from 2016–2020.

Banking on Climate Change 2020: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card

A new report, Banking on Climate Change 2020, reveals that 35 private-sector banks across Canada, China, Europe, Japan, and the U.S. have financed fossil fuels with USD $2.7 trillion since the Paris Agreement was adopted (2016-2019), with financing on the rise each year. The report finds that fossil fuel financing continues to be dominated by the big U.S. banks – JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citi, and Bank of America – together, these four banks account for a staggering 30% of all fossil fuel financing from the 35 major global banks since the Paris Agreement was adopted.

A Giant Step Backward: Carbon Impact of the Line 3 Pipeline

As Minnesota decides whether to let the crude oil pipeline cross its cleanest waters, a new report finds that greenhouse gas emissions from Canadian oil company Enbridge's proposed Line 3 expansion would vastly outweigh planned reductions in the state's emissions.

Banking on Climate Change 2019: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card

This 10th annual "Banking on Climate Change" fossil fuel finance report card reveals that overall bank financing continues to be aligned with climate disaster, and that financing for fossil fuels has increased every year since the Paris Agreement was signed.

Banking on Climate Change: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card 2018

This ninth annual fossil fuel finance report card grades banks on their policy commitments regarding extreme fossil fuel financing and calculates their financing for these fuels from 2015 to 2017. The report also assesses the shortcomings of the Equator Principles for ensuring banks respect human rights, and Indigenous rights in particular.

Investor Briefing: The many obstacles facing Keystone XL

This briefing outlines compelling reasons for investors to question whether TransCanada should proceed with Keystone XL given various obstacles facing its construction and commercially viable operation, and suggests questions institutional financiers may wish to ask TransCanada.

Funding Tar Sands: Private Banks vs. the Paris Climate Agreement

According to a new report released today by Rainforest Action Network, Oil Change International, and 10 organizations from around the world, commercial banks continue to finance the tar sands sector at levels that do not align with the Paris Agreement 1.5° to 2° target – and finance levels are surging in 2017.