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Full Report: The Permian Climate Bomb Series

Released by: Oil Change International

In this six-part series, we explore the ongoing oil, gas, and petrochemical boom in the Permian Basin and Gulf Coast. It is a story of runaway toxic infrastructure, environmental injustice, and climate overshoot.

In this six-part series, we explore the ongoing oil, gas and petrochemical boom in the Permian Basin and Gulf Coast. It is a story of runaway toxic infrastructure, environmental injustice, and climate overshoot. Chapters include an introduction, climate, exports, petrochemical, frontline communities, and regulatory failure.

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Oil Change International, Earthworks, and the Center for International Environmental Law are releasing a new multi-media report series entitled The Permian Basin Climate Bomb. The six-part series analyzes the climate, public health, economic, and social impacts of the Permian fracking boom. It follows the flow of Permian hydrocarbons from extraction to export, illustrating the community consequences of the associated infrastructure buildout by spotlighting individuals confronting the fossil fuel industry. In doing so, this series links the Permian Basin to environmental injustice and petrochemical expansion on the Gulf Coast.

We reveal that oil production in the Permian Basin has grown more than 5x in the past decade, and despite the climate crisis, is still expected to grow aggressively in the coming decade. At a time when the world’s leading scientists agree that “rapid, transformative, and sustained action is needed to ensure that global warming does not exceed 1.5°C temperature levels,” continued oil and gas production growth in the Permian Basin poses a substantial threat to President Biden’s climate agenda.

Visit the website to learn more about the Permian Climate Bomb & take action.

All illustrations courtesy of Maxim Lowe.