
The Sky’s Limit Denmark: Why Denmark Must Phase Out North Sea Oil and Gas Extraction

Published by: Oil Change International & Greenpeace Denmark

A new study released by Oil Change International examines the role of Danish oil and gas production in a Paris-aligned global carbon budget. The report confirms that while Denmark has positioned itself as a global climate leader, its plans to expand North Sea oil and fossil gas extraction would undermine its record of climate action and would be incompatible with achieving its Paris climate commitments.

Published by Oil Change International in collaboration with Greenpeace in Denmark.

September 2019

Download the full report.

A new study released by Oil Change International examines the role of Danish oil and gas production in a Paris-aligned global carbon budget. The report confirms that while Denmark has positioned itself as a global climate leader, its plans to expand North Sea oil and fossil gas extraction would undermine its record of climate action and would be incompatible with achieving its Paris climate commitments.

Key Recommendations:

Immediately freeze the granting of further leases or permits for new oil and gas extraction projects or transportation infrastructure that would enable additional exploration.
Revoke undeveloped licenses and review whether existing facilities should be phased out early in order to contribute to the achievement of the Paris Agreement.
Plan and implement a just transition for affected workers and communities in consultation with trade unions and community leaders.

As a country with a strong legacy of climate leadership, a public keen to see strong climate action, and a relatively low dependence on fossil fuels for employment, gross domestic product, and government revenue, Denmark is well suited to lead on supply-side climate policy.

The climate science is clear that there is no room to build any new fossil fuel developments. Our findings mean that in order to ensure Denmark meets its Paris commitments and leverages its position as a wealthy fossil fuel producer to build global supply-side climate ambition, the Danish government must build off its existing climate leadership and phase out North Sea oil and gas extraction.