Open Letter

Letter: 230+ Groups to Justin Trudeau – Climate Leadership Means Saying No to Pipelines

Published by: Oil Change International

Over 230 civil society groups from 44 countries released an open letter being sent to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, urging him to reject the pipeline and instead begin planning for a managed decline of fossil fuel production and a just transition for workers and impacted communities.

Letter: 230+ Groups Say Canadian PM Justin Trudeau Must Reject the Kinder Morgan Pipeline

May 2018

Read the full sign-on letter.

As an end-of-month deadline approaches for the fate of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline project, over 230 civil society groups from 44 countries released an open letter being sent to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, urging him to reject the pipeline and instead begin planning for a managed decline of fossil fuel production and a just transition for workers and impacted communities.

The letter calls for Trudeau’s government to commit to ending its support for the pipeline, emphasizing Canada’s responsibilities under the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, both of which Canada has committed to.

The letter explains how the bar for climate leadership has been redefined in recent years. Climate leaders do not expand or finance major fossil fuel expansion. Climate leaders plan for a managed phase-out and just transition away from all fossil fuel production.

Signatories including Amazon Watch, Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development, Center for International Environmental Law, Christian Aid, The Climate Reality Project, Council of Canadians, Friends of the Earth International, Greenpeace, Hip Hop Caucus, Indigenous Environmental Network, Natural Resources Defense Council, Oil Change International, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Rainforest Action Network, Sierra Club,, Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs, Wilderness Committee, and were part of more than 230 organisations from 44 countries around the world who signed the letter.

Click here to read the letter and full list of signers.