Press Release

Expert Keystone XL Testimony Denied in Last-Minute Decision

Stockman’s planned testimony outlines that changing market conditions and realities in the tar sands industry show that there is no market need for Keystone XL pipeline. This testimony has been essentially confirmed by recent statements by TransCanada representatives themselves, who have expressed doubt in finding sufficient shippers to fill the pipeline.


August 4, 2017

Lorne Stockman, lorne [at], 540-679-1097
Collin Rees, collin [at], 308-293-3159

Expert Keystone XL Testimony Denied in Last-Minute Decision

Oil Change International expert Lorne Stockman has been informed by the Nebraska Public Service Commission (PSC) that his upcoming expert testimony before the PSC regarding the Keystone XL pipeline has been excluded, after a last-minute legal challenge put forward by Keystone XL builders TransCanada, which the commission has affirmed.

Stockman joins 14 outside experts and over 25 landowners whose testimony have now been excluded, according to new decisions handed down by the hearing officer of the Nebraska PSC. On August 2, the hearing officer ruled that the testimony of Stockman and others was out of the scope of the PSC’s authority.

Stockman’s planned testimony – already in the official record having been submitted ahead of the hearings – outlines that changing market conditions and realities in the tar sands industry show that there is no market need for the Keystone XL pipeline. This testimony has been essentially confirmed by recent statements by TransCanada representatives themselves, who have expressed doubt in finding sufficient shippers to fill the pipeline.

“There is simply no need for the Keystone XL pipeline based on the current market conditions, which even TransCanada has admitted. Those conditions include an end to growth in the tar sands sector and stagnant global oil demand, headwinds that look set to end the reckless proliferation of tar sands pipelines. Given all of the risks to Nebraskans inherent in the building and operation of this pipeline, the fact that there’s no compelling need to build it should be a critical element of the Commission’s deliberations,” said Stockman, Senior Research Analyst with Oil Change International.

“My testimony exposes that the Keystone XL pipeline is not only a disaster for our climate and communities, but also that TransCanada has no business case to it to be built in the first place. It’s no wonder they don’t want me to testify.”

Stockman will be available for comment throughout the upcoming week of hearings.

Notes to editors:

To see Lorne Stockman’s testimony, visit:
For more background on the tar sands market, see Oil Change International’s recent report:
For further recent discussion of Keystone XL by Stockman, see:
The relevant orders regarding testimony from the Nebraska Public Service Commission can be found here:
