Media Advisory

Advisory: World’s largest crop art to be created in opposition to Keystone XL

Creation of the world’s largest crop art image, the size of 70 football fields, depicting a #nokxl message to Pres. Obama to reject Keystone XL and protect our land, water and climate. The event will kick-off the week-long series of actions (April 22-27) called Reject and Protect planned for Washington, DC.

Cowboy and Indian Alliance Send Pres. Obama #NOKXL Message from Corn Field
World’s largest crop art to be created, kicking-off the Reject and Protect events
Who: Cowboy and Indian Alliance, artist John Quigley, Bold Nebraska, Oyate Wahacanka Woecun/ Shielding the People and Oil Change International

What: Creation of the world’s largest crop art image, the size of 70 football fields, depicting a #NoKXL message to Pres. Obama to reject Keystone XL and protect our land, water and climate. The event will kick-off the week-long series of actions (April 22-27) called Reject and Protect planned for Washington, DC.

When: Sunday, April 13, 2pm  (note: creation of the image will start on April 9, press invited to interview team during the week. On April 13, we will unveil the finished image and host a community BBQ and tribal ceremony. Image available to send via email, details below).

Where: Corn field in Neligh, Nebraska on Art and Helen Tanderurp’s land (directions:

Image Distribution: B-roll of the event and the aerial shots of the crop art image will be available starting at 5pm CT on Sunday, April 13 on or by emailing

Jane Kleeb, Bold Nebraska,, 402-705-3622
John Quigley,, 310-927-3013
Gary Dorr, Oyate Wahacanka Woecun/ Shielding the People,, 605-828-8391
David Turnbull,, 202-316-3499

About the Cowboy and Indian Alliance: 
The Cowboy and Indian Alliance (C.I.A.) brings together tribal communities with ranchers and farmers living along the Keystone XL pipeline proposed route. Farmers and ranchers know the risk first-hand. They work the land every day. Tribes know the risk first-hand. They protect the sacred water, and defend sacred sites of their ancestors every day. They have united out of love and respect for the land and water on which we all depend. This is not the first time Cowboys and Indians have come together to stop projects that risk our land and water. In the 80s, they came together to protect water and the Black Hills from uranium mining and risky munitions testing. In the American imagination, cowboys and Indians are still at odds. However, in reality, opposition to the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline has brought communities together like few causes in our history.  Tribes, farmers and ranchers are all people of the land, who consider it their duty as stewards to conserve the land and protect the water for future generations. The C.I.A. asks President Obama a simple question: Is an export pipeline for dirty tar sands worth risking our sacred land and water for the next seven generations?

About Reject and Protect: 
Starting on April 22, the Cowboy and Indian Alliance will set up tipis on the national mall to urge the President to reject the Keystone XL pipeline. A series of actions from April 22-27 will occur in Washington, DC. The opening ceremony on April 22 will involve a water ceremony, horses and communities impacted by tarsands pollution. On April 26, a tipi, that will be painted all week long, will be gifted to the American Indian Museum in honor of Pres. Obama who was adopted by the Black Eagle family of the Crow Nation. For more info and a detailed schedule: