Press Release

COP28 Media Advisory – Day 5

Welcome to Finance Day. The UN Climate Talks are heating up, and not without controversy. Between COP28 President Al Jaber’s science denying statements, the US’ flawed methane plan, and more, things are off to a rocky start. Here’s what the Oil Change International team will be doing today at the UN climate talks.


Oil Change International COP28 Media Advisory 12/4
Valentina Stackl, Oil Change International –
Nicole Rodel, Oil Change International –

Welcome to Finance Day. The UN Climate Talks are heating up, and not without controversy. Between COP28 President Al Jaber’s science denying statements, the US’ flawed methane plan, and more, things are off to a rocky start.  

But as we enter day 5 the pressure to deliver a fossil fuel phaseout is on. Feel free to join us at the following events. And as always, we have broadcast ready spokespeople available on climate finance, the energy package, the fossil fuel industry, and regional perspectives from Africa, Asia, and the U.S.

December 4, 2023

Kick Big Polluters Out press conference 

9 AM local time (GMT+4)

Press Conference Room 2, Zone B6, Building 77 (Blue Zone)

Livestream here

The number of fossil fuel lobbyists attending climate summits has steadily risen in recent years, with preliminary reports showing that COP28 is likely to break all records. Speakers at today’s Kick Big Polluters Out press conference will discuss the impacts of fossil fuel lobbying influence in their home communities and the measures needed to address ongoing corporate capture of climate policy spaces like COP. 


  • Drue Slatter, Pacific Climate Warrior
  • Brenna TwoBears, Indigenous Environmental Network
  • Eric Njuguna, Fridays for Future Mapa
  • David Tong, Oil Change International
  • Moderated by Rachel Rose Jackson, Kick Big Polluters Out

    David Tong, Oil Change International, Global Industry Campaign Manager

    “Fossil fuel company employees and lobbyists have no place in the climate negotiations. Oil and gas companies and their enablers – the climate arsonists fueling climate chaos – cannot be trusted to help put out the fire or deliver what we need: a full, fast, fair, and funded fossil fuel phase out. 

    “Our Big Oil Reality Check analysis finds that the grossly insufficient climate pledges of BP, Chevron, Eni, Equinor, ExxonMobil, Repsol, Shell, and TotalEnergies will drive the planet off the critical 1.5ºC global warming cliff.

    “Polluting companies and their government enablers continue to invest billions in new oil and gas, all while spreading misinformation through shady lobbyists, blocking meaningful climate policies. If governments leave the “when” and “how” of the end of oil and gas up to profit-driven executives, the outcome will be disastrous for people and the planet – fossil fuel lobbyists must be kicked out of COP.” 

    Also join us for the Kick Big Polluters Out action tomorrow:

    Tuesday, December 5


    Action Location 5 (Zone B5)

    Colorful Photo Opportunity Demanding End to Public Finance for Fossil Fuels! 

    9 AM local time (GMT+4)

    B1 (near networking area)

    Photos will be available here immediately following the activity.

    A coalition of groups are organizing a colorful photo opportunity at COP28 featuring giant inflatable Pikachu suits on the thematic “Finance Day” to focus attention on dirty fossil finance and to demand that governments stop financing fossil fuels immediately and support a just, fair and fast transition to renewable-based energy systems.

    Who: Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development; Oil Change International; Friends of the Earth Japan; Center for Energy, Ecology and Development; and more

    Susanne Wong, Asia Program Manager, Oil Change International, United States:

    “Japan is placing corporate profits above the health and well being of our communities and our planet. Japan is promoting dangerous distractions like LNG, ammonia co-firing and CCS across Asia and globally. These technologies will expand and prolong the use of fossil fuels and waste precious time and resources to mitigate the climate crisis. Japan will face increasing international scrutiny and pressure until it finally says sayonara fossil fuels.”

    Side Event: A Radical Energy Systems Transformation for African Women #FeministEnergyRenaissance

    12:30 local time (GMT+4)

    Women & Gender Constituency Pavilion

     Movement of Movement/Don’t Gas Africa event)
