Press Release

Countries Must Tackle Fossil Fuel Production to Meet Climate Goals

Hundreds of Global Organisations Demand Supply-Side Action

The Lofoten Declaration calls for a managed decline of the fossil fuel sector. For the text of the declaration and a full list of signatories, visit


Hannah McKinnon, hannah [at]

Over 220 organizations from 55 countries have released a signed declaration calling for a managed decline of the fossil fuel industry in line with the Paris climate goals. The Lofoten Declaration demands climate leadership that includes an end to exploration and expansion of new fossil fuel reserves.

“The world already has access to more oil, coal, and gas than we can afford to burn if we hope to stay within the Paris climate goals,” says Truls Gulowsen of Greenpeace Norway. “It is imperative that we stop exploring and expanding into new reserves, and instead start thinking about how we are going to have a just transition away from our dangerous dependence on fossil fuels.”

The Declaration is being launched publicly in advance of Norway’s national elections next week. One of the Declaration’s core themes is that countries like Norway, who have built incredible wealth from the fossil fuel sector, must lead by proving a fossil-free economy is possible with a just transition and a managed decline.

“Norway has no excuses. We are among the world’s wealthiest countries, and we all agree that the fossil fuel era is coming to an end,” says Silje Ask Lundberg of Friends of the Earth Norway. “Norwegians want to do the right thing, and we have the means to do it – but our politicians must let go of last century’s dirty energy. We must prove to the rest of the world that you can move on from fossil fuels in a responsible way. If Norway won’t do it, who do we expect will?”

The Lofoten Declaration is also a statement of solidarity and support for the inspiring and growing wave of resistance from impacted and frontline communities around the world, who are taking action to defend and protect their lives and livelihoods in the face of fossil fuel extraction and deadly climate impacts.

“We know that we cannot waste time waiting for politicians to catch up,” says Thuli Makama of Oil Change International, speaking from Swaziland. “From Sierra Leone to Mozambique and other parts of the globe, one can’t deny the connection. We stand with and support those across the globe who are rising to protect their communities, one project at a time.”

“Political inaction in the face of the climate crisis is scandalous – and electric cars and carbon pricing simply don’t cut it if you are one of the world’s largest emissions exporters like Norway,” says Hannah McKinnon of Oil Change International. “We are in a deep hole with climate, and we must stop digging ourselves in deeper.”

Read the full declaration and see the list of signatories here:
