Press Release

Gov. Newsom recognizes need for a managed decline of fossil fuel supply in California

“California can lead the way by showing what a true managed decline can look like, and we applaud Governor Newsom for his recognition of that imperative.”


May 9, 2019

David Turnbull, david [at]
Collin Rees, collin [at]

Gov. Newsom recognizes need for a managed decline of fossil fuel supply in California
Oil Change International Response

In today’s “May revision” of the California state budget, Governor Gavin Newsom included the following sentence: “The May Revision also recognizes the need for careful study and planning to decrease demand and supply of fossil fuels, while managing the decline in a way that is economically responsible and sustainable.

In response to this recognition by Governor Newsom of the need for a managed decline of fossil fuel supply in California, David Turnbull, Strategic Communications Director at Oil Change International, released the following statement:

“Today’s support by Governor Newsom of the need to ramp down fossil fuel supply in tandem with reducing demand marks a critical recognition of what true climate leadership must look like in the face of our ever-worsening climate crisis. California can set a new standard of leadership by being one of the first major oil- and gas-producing jurisdictions to ramp down its fossil fuel production in line with what the climate demands and prioritizing a just transition for impacted communities and workers.

“When you’re in a hole as we are with the climate crisis, the first step is to stop digging. We already have more fossil fuels than we can afford to burn, and every barrel of new oil production makes the problem worse. California can lead the way by showing what a true managed decline can look like, and we applaud Governor Newsom for his recognition of that imperative.”

Notes for Editors:

  • The “May Revision” can be found here:
  • Oil Change International released analysis in May 2018 showing the pathway for a managed decline of oil and gas production in California. It can be found here: