Press Release

Oil Change International Responds to International Energy Agency’s 2018 World Energy Outlook

In response to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 2018 World Energy Outlook (WEO), Greg Muttitt, Research Director at Oil Change International, said: “We need the world’s foremost energy modellers to model global success in meeting our climate goals, yet this year’s WEO again emphasizes a business-as-usual pathway to climate failure.”


November 13, 2018

Greg Muttitt, greg [at]

Oil Change International Responds to International Energy Agency’s 2018 World Energy Outlook
In response to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 2018 World Energy Outlook (WEO), Greg Muttitt, Research Director at Oil Change International, has responded as follows:

“We need the world’s foremost energy modellers to model global success in meeting our climate goals, yet this year’s WEO again emphasizes a business-as-usual pathway to climate failure.

“To ensure success on climate, the IEA should put the Sustainable Development Scenario at the heart of World Energy Outlook, and increase its ambition to align with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

“Political and financial decision makers alike urgently need the tools to plan for Paris success. The IEA has what it takes to deliver those – but once again this year it chooses not to.

“The IEA has shown leadership in the past by creating climate scenarios, but these have not kept up with the latest science and politics. This year the IEA missed another opportunity to model ambition in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement, and in line with the urgency highlighted in the latest IPCC Special Report on 1.5?.

“The IEA will face growing pressure to model climate success as we conclude yet another year of unimaginable devastation from worsening climate disruption. As the world’s energy advisors, the IEA must seize the leadership opportunity and make the 2019 WEO a turning point for how it presents our energy future. The alternative is increasing irrelevance as the world turns elsewhere for options that get us where we need to go.”

More background:

See our detailed analysis of the 2018 WEO, here:

See the report, “Off Track: How the International Energy Agency Guides Energy Decisions Towards Fossil Fuel Dependence and Climate Change,” here: