Press Release

Oil Change International response to Keystone XL announcement

Despite the industry’s multi-million dollar effort to distort the facts, the truth remains that Keystone XL would promote the increased production of the dirtiest oil on the planet

18 April 2014

Contact: Steve Kretzmann, Oil Change International, steve [at] priceofoil [dot] org

Oil Change International response to extension of review period for Keystone XL decision
WASHINGTON, DC —In response to reports of the Obama administration’s plans to extend the review period regarding the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, Stephen Kretzmann, Executive Director of Oil Change International released the following statement:

“We’re heartened to hear the Administration is taking the time to make this decision that they need, and we remain confident that they will conclude that this dirty pipeline clearly fails the President’s climate test. Despite the industry’s multi-million dollar effort to distort the facts, the truth remains that Keystone XL would promote the increased production of the dirtiest oil on the planet.

This announcement means that tar sands producers will continue to face uncertainty regarding how to get their dirty oil to market, and that will only continue to slow investment in this dirty, dangerous oil. Every day the pipeline isn’t built is a good day for our communities and the climate. But the decision on Keystone has been clear from the start — it’s a disaster for the climate and our communities and it’s time to reject it once and for all.

While the oil industry and their paid Representatives in Congress are likely to scream, its worth keeping in mind that just yesterday, the Energy Information Administration announced that crude oil inventories on the Gulf Coast are at record levels.* America has more than enough oil – what is needed now is far greater investment in clean energy and the political will to stand up to Big Oil. We remain optimistic that the President can and will demonstrate both.”

