Press Release

Oil Change International response to offshore drilling plan

If the President is serious about his climate legacy, he needs to apply a climate test to all offshore drilling. When he does, he’ll see that offshore fossil fuels fail the climate test.

March 15, 2016

David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org, 202-316-3499

Oil Change International response to draft 5 year offshore drilling plan

In response to the draft 5 year plan for offshore drilling released today, David Turnbull, Campaigns Director at Oil Change International, released the following statement:

“The plan released today represents a big win for the communities along the Atlantic coast that have stood up against drilling off their shores. However, the continued sacrifice of the Gulf to the whims of Big Oil and opening up of any new drilling in the Arctic flies in the face of the best available science and the President’s own promises, made just last week alongside the Canadian government, to protect communities and the climate. If the President is serious about his climate legacy, he needs to apply a climate test to all offshore drilling. When he does, he’ll see that offshore fossil fuels fail the climate test.”
