Press Release

Oops. Rick Perry as Energy Secretary is laughable.

It’s clear that Rick Perry has no idea what the job of Energy Secretary entails, and frankly we hope it stays that way.


December 14, 2016

David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org

Oops. Rick Perry as Energy Secretary is laughable.
Oil Change International response
Donald Trump has announced his choice for Secretary of Energy as former Texas Governor, 2016 Dancing with the Stars contestant, Energy Transfer Partners Board Member, and Sunoco Logistics Board Member Rick Perry. In response, David Turnbull, Campaigns Director at Oil Change International released the following statement:

“Of all the ghastly choices Donald Trump has made for his Cabinet, the choice of Dancing with the Stars’ Rick Perry for Secretary of Energy may be the most entertaining. This is a man who could not remember the name of the agency he has now been chosen to run, despite pledging to abolish it if he were President. It’s clear that he has no idea what the job of Energy Secretary entails, and frankly we hope it stays that way. The center of gravity for American energy is quickly moving to renewables, and with any luck Rick Perry will be too busy dancing with the stars to impact that course.”

Note to editors: Rick Perry is currently on the Board of Directors of Energy Transfer Partners as well as Sunoco Logistics, two of the key companies behind the Dakota Access Pipeline.