
Reaction to the latest GST draft at COP28

The latest GST text shows we have never been closer to an agreement on a fossil fuel phaseout. But, what that transition will look like will be a fierce battle over the next few days. We are alarmed about some of the options in this text that seem to carve out large loopholes for the fossil fuel industry.

In response to the latest GST draft, Oil Change International Global Policy Manager, Romain Ioualalen, said:

“The latest GST text shows we have never been closer to an agreement on a fossil fuel phaseout. But, what that transition will look like will be a fierce battle over the next few days. We are alarmed about some of the options in this text that seem to carve out large loopholes for the fossil fuel industry. These will need to be opposed. The draft is also missing a clear recognition that developed countries will need to phase out faster and provide their fair share of finance, as well as a recognition that the decline of fossil fuel production must start immediately, not in the distant future.

“Ministers must get to work and make sure they don’t squander what could be their last opportunity to take the urgent and necessary measures to limit warming to 1.5°C. The world is watching, and leaders must rise to the occasion.”