Press Release

The devil is in the details: Oil Change International response to reports of IEA movement on a 1.5°C scenario

We’re glad to hear that the IEA is starting to respond to the growing demands from business leaders, government leaders, and civil society members to align its scenarios with Paris. However, the devil is in the details as to whether or not such a scenario from the IEA should earn our applause, and we must withhold judgment until more details are released.


June 11, 2019

Nathan Lemphers, nathan [at] priceofoil [at] org
Matthew Maiorana, matt [at] priceofoil [at] org

The devil is in the details: Oil Change International response to reports of IEA movement on a 1.5°C scenario
Today, Climate Home News reports that the International Energy Agency (IEA) is working on a 1.5°C scenario to be included in this year’s World Energy Outlook, in response to growing demands from corporate, government and civil society actors. In response, Nathan Lemphers, Senior Campaigner with Oil Change International, released the following statement:

“We expect the IEA to heed our calls and make this new 1.5°C scenario fully Paris-aligned and central in the World Energy Outlook report. This means it must provide a likely chance (66%) of limiting warming within 1.5°C without heavy reliance on negative emissions technologies. To truly reflect a shift from business-as-usual, the scenario must be placed front and center in the WEO. Anything less would make the scenario and the WEO as a whole unaligned with the Paris Agreement.

“We’re glad to hear that the IEA is starting to respond to the growing demands from business leaders, government leaders, and civil society members to align its scenarios with what is truly needed to achieve the goals set forth in the Paris Agreement. However, as has been stated since the start of this push, the devil is in the details as to whether or not such a scenario from the IEA should earn our applause, and we must withhold judgment until more details are released.”

Notes for editors:

See reporting from Climate Home News here:
See the letter sent from over 60 corporate, government and civil society leaders here:
See Oil Change International analysis of the problems with current IEA scenarios here: