
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

“Wrong side of history”: Universal condemnation of UK Gov’s North Sea expansion and CCS plans

For weeks now, climate scientists and activists have looked increasingly aghast at the unrelenting heat and floods ravaging our baking earth. The pace and scale of the daily climate disasters have alarmed them. And our daily climate breakdown shows no sign of stopping.

Devastating Hurricane Ida “made worse by climate change”

Our warming world is to blame for the sheer, power and size of storms such as Hurricane Ida, say experts.

It’s a climate emergency: Time to “Kick Polluters Out” of COP26

Some of the world’s worst polluting companies, including BP and Shell, have been regularly lobbying the UK Government offering money to be part of next year’s UN COP26 conference.

Big Oil Invests $50 Billion Against a Livable Future

Big Oil knows it is gambling with our future. It is deliberately doing so. Because of its actions, it is not just the people of the Bahamas that will face the consequences of our warming world. We all will.

“Only A Matter of Time” Before Category 6 Hurricane Hits U.S.

“No one in America has ever experienced the wrath and fury of a category 6 hurricane, which now genuinely seems possible and realistic."

Climate Change is Costing Billions & Set to Get Worse, Says GAO

The GAO concludes the Federal US Government has spent over $350 billion over the last decade paying out for extreme weather and fire events.

From Ophelia to the Amazon: the Unthinkable Becomes Thinkable

Nearly every week now we have a new, previously unthinkable climate event

As Caribbean Scientists Call for Urgent Climate Action, Trump Nominates Coal Lobbyist for Top EPA Job

As scientists from the Caribbean call for urgent action on climate change, Trump nominates a known climate denier and coal lobbyist to help lead the EPA. The President was criticised for throwing paper towels on the island of Puerto Rico last week. But he is doing much worse. He is throwing away the island’s future.

Trump’s climate leadership failure: “Devoid of hope, inspiration or unity”

The President's response to the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico suggests Trump has no clue about how to deal with either a short-term climate emergency or the need for radical action to cut fossil fuel use.

Four Years Ago Puerto Rico Warned of “Climate Tipping Points” – Did Anyone Listen?

Scientists have been warning about the risk to Puerto Rica from climate change for years, but was anyone listening?