
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

UN: Big oil’s business model is “inconsistent with human survival”

In a blistering attack at the World Economic Forum this morning, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, accused the fossil fuel industry of having a “business model” that “is inconsistent with human survival".

Britain’s new Prime Minister, Liz Truss, will be a “disaster” for the climate

Today Britain has a new Prime Minister, Liz Truss. As Truss takes the top job after winning the Conservative election race, she is under intense pressure to deliver on a range of issues, including the cost of living crisis and soaring energy prices.

Big Oil bosses to meet Trump demanding further financial support & deregulation

Later today, U.S. President Donald Trump is set to meet with at least seven senior oil executives in person at the White House to discuss the historic plunge in the oil price.

As UN says we are “way off track” on CO2; White House says “let’s bailout out dirty shale”

Instead of responding responsibly to the climate crisis, the chief climate denier in the White House, Donald Trump, continues to promote the fossil fuel industry. And even worse, he wants to bail out his fossil fuel friends in response to the rapidly declining oil price.

Make the Fossil Fuel Industry Pay the $2 Billion Bushfire Recovery Fund

For years, Big Oil and Big Coal have carried on drilling and mining as if they were immune from the consequences of their actions. They knew the risks, but ignored them. Now they must pay.

Climate Deniers Celebrate Boris Victory in the UK

The results of the UK election does not bode well for the climate. But we must remain strong.

One Year After Landmark IPCC Report: We have to “Shut Big Oil down or face extreme climate disruption.”

“Rather than planning an orderly decline in production", Big Oil is "doubling down and acting like there is no climate crisis. This presents us with a simple choice: shut them down or face extreme climate disruption.”

Despite climate strikes, a Trump-empowered climate denial echo chamber still exists in D.C.

Climate change is more than a fight over the future of our planet – it is a fight between young and old, male and female, white versus people of colour, people of power and privilege versus people from impoverished and indigenous communities.

Thirty Years on: How Jim Hansen was Proved Right On Climate Change

It is nearly thirty years to the day that one of the world’s leading climate scientists, Dr James Hansen told a panel of the US senate that the “greenhouse effect was here”.

“2017 was 3rd warmest year” but “warmest year without an El Niño present”

“2017 was the third warmest year on record and the warmest year without an El Niño present.”