
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

28 Years Later – Shell still trying to crush opposition

The oil giant Shell spends millions of dollars each year to anticipate the future to try and predict the unpredictable. In a corporate game of crystal-ball gazing, Shell likes to play the long game, looking decades into the future to predict upcoming geopolitical or technological trends.

Days after COP climate summit ends, Shell relocates HQ to London

On Monday, Shell said it was relocating its headquarters to the UK. The move certainly seems to be about tax, but also could Shell be preventing further climate cases in the Dutch courts and putting pressure on the UK Government to approve the controversial Cambo oil field?

It’s time to imagine a future without Shell

So can a company often vilified for being complicit in human rights abuses in Nigeria, accused of rampant pollution and ignoring the risks of climate change for decades, be central to the climate fight?

From Nigeria to Canada: A global arts celebration tomorrow to “Dance the guns to silence”

Tomorrow evening, our colleagues at PlatformLondon will be hosting an online global arts event in collaboration with MOSOP (Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People), Shake! And Virtual Migrants, to not only celebrate the Ogoni 9, but also for people to hear from other frontline environmental defenders from key battles against the oil industry. It promises to be an inspirational evening.