
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Climate momentum: Electric vehicle sales in U.S. reach “tipping point”

Hundres of thousands of Americans, concerned about climate change and increasingly shocked at how much they are paying at the pump for their gas, are voting with their feet and ditching their gas-guzzling vehicles and going electric.

“The internal combustion engine will be long decimated by 2040”

Despite all the predictions about the coming renewable and electic vehicle (EV) revolution, Big Oil is still betting on being able to make oil drilling more efficient to compete with renewables, rather than switching to producing clean energy instead.

Jerry’s choice: drive into the future, or cling to the past

It’s time for Governor Brown to make a decision. He can be Big Oil Brown and move California down the road of fracking our communities and climate. Or he can say no to our dirty past, stop fracking, and move California towards a cleaner future.