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Acknowledging the obvious fact that our future cannot be fossil fueled begins the game that will only be truly won when our public policies, our laws, our governments, and our social norms fully incorporate this truth.

As it Gets Harder to Find Oil, Norway Accelerates Arctic Drilling

For years it has been apparent that the days of the oil industry finding so-called “easy oil” are over. And in its desperate attempt to continue our fossil fuel addiction, the industry is either attempting to exploit unconventional oil, like shale or the tar sands, or explore in new frontier areas like the Arctic.

Barents Sea: “The Next Big Oil Region”

Late last week, the Norwegian government issued a license to energy giant Statoil to allow it to start drilling in the controversial Arctic waters of the Barents Sea.

Norway Examines New Arctic Drilling

Yesterday, Norway’s ruling Labour Party took a “major step” towards opening up other areas of the Arctic to oil drilling that are currently restricted from drilling