
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Fracking “Goes on Trial”

Just as the British Government slashes subsidies for solar power and gears up to open up large swathes of the countryside to fracking, a coalition of human rights lawyers and academics have announced an international tribunal to put fracking “on trial”.

EU Agrees 40% CO2 Cut by 2030

Early this morning, the 28 EU leaders agreed in principle to set a landmark deal to reduce CO2 emissions by 40 per cent from 1990 levels by 2030.

EPA Asked to Regulate Fracking Emissions

As the evidence mounts that fracking is causing chronic air pollution and health problems, American civil society organisations are pressuring the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take action.

Bankers Warn Oil is “Unburnable Carbon”

A report from HSBC suggests BP, Shell and Norway’s Statoil could lose some 40 and 60 per cent of their market value if “unburnable carbon” scenarios are put in place.

UK Set to Frack, Baby, Frack

To facilitate Britain's “Dash for Gas”, the Chancellor George Osborne is expected to give the green light to widespread fracking across the UK and will consult on giving lucrative tax breaks to the fracking industry.

Obama Continues to “Drill Baby Drill”

Later today as part of Obama’s “All of the Above” energy strategy, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will hold an oil and gas lease sale that will make more than 20 million offshore acres available to oil and gas drilling.