
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Indigenous Activists Challenge Shell

Shell was challenged at its AGM by Indigenous activists over the tar sands and Arctic drilling

Canadian MP Calls for Petcoke Inquest

A member of the Canadian Parliament has said he wants an investigation into a three-story mound of petcoke piling up near the Marathon refinery along the Detroit River.

Tar Sands Makes Climate Change “Unsolvable”

One of the world’s leading climate scientists Dr James Hansen has warned British MPs that exploiting the tar sands and oil shale would make the problem of climate change “unsolvable”.

U.S. oil boom threat to tar sands much greater than State acknowledges

The U.S. oil boom is a clear threat to the tar sands market in the Gulf Coast. The State Department failed to acknowledge this in the SEIS.

Our Oil Addiction Ignores CO2 Milestone

Last week we reached an unwelcome milestone which should send alarm bells ringing in every capital across the globe.

Canadian Scientist “Betrayed” Over Tar Sands

Mark Jaccard, one of Canada's leading energy economists, from British Colombia’s Simon Fraser University, has said that the Canadian government's campaign of aggression and name-calling over the tar sands is not winning it any respect. "I feel betrayed as a Canadian,” he says.

Canada’s “Sewer Salesman” Heads to Europe

One of Canada’s most senior politicians is back in Europe on yet another lobby tour to try and bully politicians there to ditch their landmark climate legislation as it discriminates against the dirty tar sands.

Canada’s “Hollow Promises” on Tar Sands

The Canadian environmental watchdog, the Pembina Institute, publishes a report arguing that “very little progress" has been made on 19 key recommended policy improvements for Canada's dirty tar sands.