
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

EPA: tar sands “significantly more intensive than other crudes”

The EPA slams the State Department review of Keystone XL pipeline, arguing that, from a climate perspective, “oil sands crude is significantly more GHG intensive than other crudes, and therefore has potentially large impacts.”

House Committee pro-KeystoneXL Reps received 6X more Big Oil cash than counterparts

Pro-KXL representatives in the House Energy and Commerce Committee's pro-KeystoneXL vote today have received more than 6 times more in campaign contributions from Big Oil than those that voted against it.

Don’t Believe in Tar Sands Magic Fairies

One of Canada’s most famous scientists has launched a scathing attack on the country’s politicians, claiming that labelling the tar sands as environmentally harmless is “lies”.

Arkansas: Exxon’s latest spill and spin zone

Arkansas has become the latest scene of an Exxon oil spill, and the subsequent spin attempts to side-step blame. The truth tells a different story.

Two Spills in Two Days

“An oil spill is ‘the sound of silence’”

First nations in British Colombia use the 24th Anniversary of the Exxon Valdez spill to warn against tar sands and shipping oil via tankers.

The Tar Sands Refugees

At least six families have left their homes in the last two years due to air pollution from tar sands operations in Alberta, including from heated bitumen tanks giving off noxious fumes.

Derailing the Tar Sands Train Idea

The State Department missed the main point about the anti-KXL campaign – which is not about either pipeline or shipping oil by rail, road or tanker – it is about keeping the tar sands in the ground.

Senators send pro-Keystone XL letter, once again drenched with oil money

Only mere days after the biggest rally and march in support of climate action and against the Keystone XL pipeline in US history, another letter has been sent by a group of Senators calling for approval of the troublesome Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. And once again it's clear there's dirty energy money behind it.