
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

BP Spill: Up to 10 Million Gallons Of Oil On Gulf Floor

In the months that followed BP’s devastating Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010, one of the biggest mysteries was what happened to the 200 millions gallons of spewed black crude.

Obama Bans Drilling in Bristol Bay

As if the plummeting oil price was not bad enough, there was more bad news for the oil industry yesterday after President Obama signed a Presidential memorandum to protect the vast Bristol Bay in Alaska from future oil and gas drilling.

Major Victory As Oil Company Pulls Out of Africa’s Oldest Park

It has all the ingredients for an international blockbuster novel: The stunning setting of Africa’s oldest National park, home to half of all the species on the African continent, including one if its most endangered and iconic animals, the Mountain Gorilla.

How BP’s Oil Damaged Fish

The fallout from the BP's Deepwater Horizon oil spill continues. The oil giant is attempting to force the US government to release evidence which BP says proves that the oil spill did much less damage than at first feared.