
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Join the March for Science this Saturday

This Saturday, on Earth Day, there will be a March to stand up for science in the face of the most anti-science US Administration ever. A March to stand up for facts in the Trump post-factual era. To highlight issues such as climate change with a climate denier in the White House. To stand up for scientific free speech, in a dangerous era of political censorship. The message is simple: “Science, not Silence.”

300 Climate Deniers Tell Trump to “Burn the Climate”

As if night follows day, it was only a matter of time before the climate deniers would try and serenade their climate denying President, Donald Trump, to kick the US out of the UN agreement on climate, long seen as their bete noir.

An Unprecedented War Against the Greens

The news from over the weekend that President-elect Donald Trump is expected to nominate Rex Tillerson, the chairman and chief executive of Exxon, the world’s largest private oil company as Secretary of State, is a clear sign that we face an unprecedented battle against the environmental movement in the years to come.

Meet Donald the Climate Clown

Later today in Stockholm, a conference organised by the business group, the International Chamber of Commerce, examines “Bridging the Climate Change Policy Gap.”