
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Urgent need to reduce carbon emissions by 7 per cent a year, says UN

According to UNEP, collective ambition must increase more than fivefold over current levels to deliver the cuts needed over the next decade for the 1.5°C goal, or put another way, global greenhouse gas emissions need to fall by 7.6 per cent each year between 2020 and 2030.

Demand for Dirty Coal in the U.S. Drops to New Low

Try as he might, Trump cannot stop the slow death march of coal towards the history books, in the US, at least. We are shutting down the fossil fuel industry, one coal plant at a time.

Protesters Demand that Oregon Gov. Brown #StopJordanCove

Yesterday, in excess of 100 people held a sit-in in the office of Governor Brown of Oregon, demanding she oppose the controversial Jordan Cove LNG plant. They sang “No LNG” and “Governor Brown, do your job”.