
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Canada to Trudeau: We expect more on climate

Yesterday, millions of Canadians headed to the polls and knocked the Liberals’ majority government down to minority status. This was a clear signal to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his party that voters expect more and better action from a Liberal government to confront the climate crisis.

The IEA’s Hidden Negative Emissions Gamble

For the IEA, real scenario reform will require more than risky emissions accounting tricks that punt the burden and costs of reducing emissions to future generations.

The IEA’s Misplaced Techno-optimism

The third and final installment in a series of blogs on the IEA's Special Report on gas and energy transitions. This blog discusses the IEA's analysis of methane leakage and its faith in carbon capture and storage.

The devil is in the details: the IEA begins to develop a 1.5 °C Scenario

For IEA scenario reform, the devil is in the details. The IEA must develop a 1.5°C scenario that is aligned with the goals of the Paris climate agreement and address the concerns of key WEO users. Anything less would be easy to discount as greenwashing or another example of the pro-fossil fuel bias at the IEA.