
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

With Deniers in Charge, We Sleep-Walk Past Climate’s “Red Lines”

As the fires rage and Australia warms, it is only natural that Australians are becoming increasingly worried about climate change, droughts and floods. However, rather than recognize our climate emergency, the minister responsible for responding to drought and natural disasters in the country, David Littleproud, is a climate denier. He has said that that he doesn’t “know if climate change is manmade”.

Big Oil Invests $50 Billion Against a Livable Future

Big Oil knows it is gambling with our future. It is deliberately doing so. Because of its actions, it is not just the people of the Bahamas that will face the consequences of our warming world. We all will.

The IEA’s Misplaced Techno-optimism

The third and final installment in a series of blogs on the IEA's Special Report on gas and energy transitions. This blog discusses the IEA's analysis of methane leakage and its faith in carbon capture and storage.