Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Civil society reacts to announcements from the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance at COP27

Today, the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance, a diplomatic initiative of countries and subnational actors that have committed to phasing out oil and gas production in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, announced new supporters and an initial USD 10 million funding facility to help countries plan for a just transition.

Germany, Italy, Canada, United States warned to keep their climate promise on first anniversary of initiative to end public finance for fossil fuels

A UK Government event at COP27 in Egypt has marked the first anniversary of a groundbreaking international initiative to phase out international public finance for fossil fuels, one of the most concrete outcomes of last year’s UN climate summit in Glasgow. At today’s event, countries took stock of implementation efforts and announced Nepal as a new signatory to the pledge, making this country the 40th signatory to the statement.

BREAKING: Equinor postpones Wisting Oil Field

Today in a huge win for climate, environment, and people, Equinor ASA announced that they are postponing the investment decision on the Wisting oil field in Norway.

Climate activists demand end to public finance for fossil fuels at COP27

A global coalition of civil society groups organized a demonstration at the COP27 climate negotiations in Egypt on “Finance Day” to demand wealthy governments - particularly Japan as the world's largest financier of fossil fuels - stop financing new fossil fuel projects and shift investments to renewable energy.