Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

Analysis: World Bank Group increases spending on fossil fuels

New analysis released today by Oil Change International shows that, despite repeated calls for urgent action on climate change, the World Bank Group increased funding for fossil fuels in its last fiscal year. This increase comes during the first full fiscal year following the World Bank’s announced commitment to limit coal financing due to climate concerns.

Oil Change International: Fast-Track places interests of corporations over people

The fact that free trade advocates feel the need to short-circuit democracy in order to ensure their victory really says it all. We vigorously oppose granting fast track negotiating authority for these trade deals. The voice of the people is our last line of defense against Big Oil’s assault on our climate and our future. We will not be silenced.

Oil Change International Response to Veto-Override Attempt on Keystone XL Bill

Today’s failed vote is just another example of a corrupt Congress trying to please its Big Oil Benefactors. Nothing more, nothing less. Keystone XL backers continue to trot out the same tired talking points spoon-fed to them by the industry. Meanwhile the facts remain the same: Keystone XL fails the climate test and should be rejected.