Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at [email protected]

Groups File FOIA Request with US Dept. of Commerce for Crude Oil Export Ban Exceptions

Oil Change International, Earthjustice and Sightline Institute have submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the US Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) seeking details on the Bureau’s criteria for recently approving multiple significant exceptions to the nation’s crude oil export ban.

Response to EPA comments on Keystone XL

The EPA's comments point to the fact that at current oil prices the pipeline would certainly trigger additional production in the tar sands, and thus significant additional emissions. Thus Keystone XL clearly fails the President’s climate test...

Response to Senate Vote on Keystone XL

The Senate has voted to approve Keystone XL, and has chosen to once again side with Big Oil's money over our climate and our future.

Response to Obama Administration’s 5 Year Plan on Offshore Drilling

The world is in a very big hole with climate change and when you're in a hole the first order of business should be to stop digging. Unfortunately, the Administration's Five Year Plan amounts to climate denial.

Statement on President Obama’s veto threat of Keystone XL legislation

The President is right to threaten a veto of legislation to approve the pipeline, just as he’ll be right to reject Keystone XL once and for all. The pipeline clearly fails the climate test that the President set out last year, particularly with low oil prices.

New Report: Tar Sands Producers Face a Growing ‘Constellation of Risks’ as Public Opposition Hits Industry’s Bottom Line

A new report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) and Oil Change International quantifies for the first time the financial and carbon impact of public opposition to pipelines and other expanded investment in tar sands production.

New Report Gives World Bank an ‘F’ on Clean Energy Access

Today, the Sierra Club and Oil Change International released a new report highlighting the failure of the world’s top multilateral development banks (MDBs) to align their energy lending with the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) projections for ending energy poverty.

New Report: Rail won’t solve tar sands industry’s market access problem

A report published today by Oil Change International presents new analysis that confirms that shipping tar sands bitumen by rail cannot possibly meet the tar sands industry’s reckless production growth plans.

Richest Countries Spending Billions to Expand Unburnable Carbon Stock

A new report released today by Oil Change International outlines billions of dollars of annual subsidies from the seven richest countries in the world to expand fossil fuel reserves, despite repeated commitments from those same countries to phase them out.