
The Atlantic Coast Pipeline: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Briefing

Published by: Oil Change International

Part of a series of briefings on proposed Appalachian gas pipelines, Oil Change International finds that the Atlantic Coast Pipeline would cause the emissions equivalent of 20 coal plants or 14 million passenger vehicles.

Oil Change International

February 2017



Launching a series of briefings on the Greenhouse Gas emissions impact of Appalachian Basin gas pipelines. We estimate the full lifecycle emissions of building and operating the proposed Atlantic Coast pipeline and provide a critique of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s climate impact assessment in its draft environmental impact statement.

We find that the Atlantic Coast pipeline would lead to annual emissions of nearly 68 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. This would be like adding 20 coal plants or 14 million passenger vehicles.

The Atlantic Coast pipeline Greenhouse Gas Emissions Briefing is based on Oil Change International’s Gas Pipeline Climate Methodology.

Download this and other gas pipeline briefings here.

Also see A Bridge Too Far: How Appalachian Basin Gas Pipeline Expansion Will Undermine U.S. Climate Goals