
The Sky’s Limit Norway: Why Norway Should Lead the Way in a Managed Decline of Oil and Gas Extraction

Published by: Oil Change International, in collaboration with Naturvernforbundet, Greenpeace Norway, Kirkens Nødhjelp, Natur Og Ungdom, WWF Norway

A new study released by Oil Change International, examines the role of Norwegian oil and gas production in a Paris-aligned global carbon budget.

Oil Change International
In collaboration with Naturvernforbundet, Greenpeace Norway, Kirkens Nødhjelp, Natur Og Ungdom, WWF Norway

August 2017

Download the full report

A new study released by Oil Change International, examines the role of Norwegian oil and gas Screen Shot 2017-08-08 at 12.13.52 PMproduction in a Paris-aligned global carbon budget. The report confirms that while Norway has precedent-setting potential, the country must step up and lead in a managed decline of its fossil fuel sector.

Key Findings:

Through its oil and gas exports, Norway is exporting 10 times more emissions than the
country produces at home.
Norway is the world’s seventh largest exporter of emissions.
Norway’s proposed and prospective new oil and gas fields would lead to 150% more emissions than what is in currently operating fields.
Norway’s emissions trajectory with proposed and prospective new oil and gas fields is
not in line with the rate of global emissions reduction needed to achieve the Paris goals.

Key Recommendations:

Freeze further leases or permits for new oil and gas extraction projects or transportation infrastructure that would incentivize additional exploration.
Publicly commit to managing the decline of the fossil fuel industry within the Paris goals of 1.5 degrees Celsius or well below 2 degrees Celsius.
Redefine global climate leadership by setting a global precedent to manage the decline of existing production in line with climate safe limits while ensuring a just transition for affected workers and communities.

Click here to download the report.

Click here to read the report’s Executive Summary in Norwegian.