Press Release

Oil Change International responds to new draft Global Stocktake text at COP28

“The draft text calls for the first time on all parties to contribute to the transition away from fossil fuels, which is unprecedented in the UNFCCC and would have been unimaginable just two years ago. “


December 13, 2023

Nicole Rodel, [email protected], +27 84 257 0627

Oil Change International responds to new draft Global Stocktake text at COP28

Dubai, December 13 – Minutes ago, the UNFCCC published a new draft of the Global Stocktake (GST) text, which will be the defining agreement of this year’s UN climate talks.

In response, Romain Ioualalen, Global Policy lead at Oil Change International, said:

“The draft text calls for the first time on all parties to contribute to the transition away from fossil fuels, which is unprecedented in the UNFCCC and would have been unimaginable just two years ago.

“This progress is in large part due to the momentum built by tremendous people power, which we have seen at this year’s UN climate talks and around the world in the clarion call for a fast, fair, full, and funded phaseout of fossil fuels. But the text currently falls far short of what is needed to limit warming to 1.5ºC and presents deep gaps in delivering a just and equitable transition.

“There are huge problems with this text: there’s not enough finance, there’s not enough differentiation, and there are a ton of disingenuous references to false solutions and natural gas. It’s incoherent to call for a transition away from fossil fuels while promoting so-called ‘transition fuels,’ which is a coded reference to fossil gas. We hope that the over 140 countries that have now called for phasing out fossil fuels push on and delete these dangerous distractions from the text in the final plenary.”
