Oil Change International Response to Veto-Override Attempt on Keystone XL Bill
Today’s failed vote is just another example of a corrupt Congress trying to please its Big Oil Benefactors. Nothing more, nothing less. Keystone XL backers continue to trot out the same tired talking points spoon-fed to them by the industry. Meanwhile the facts remain the same: Keystone XL fails the climate test and should be rejected.
David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org
Stephen Kretzmann, steve [at] priceofoil [dot] org
Oil Change International Response to Veto-Override Attempt by Senate on Keystone XL Bill
In response to the failed attempt by the Senate today to override President Obama’s veto of legislation that would have forced approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, David Turnbull, Campaigns Director of Oil Change International released the following statement:
“Today’s failed vote is just another example of a corrupt Congress trying to please its Big Oil benefactors. Nothing more, nothing less. Keystone XL backers continue to trot out the same tired talking points spoon-fed to them by the industry. Meanwhile the facts remain the same: Keystone XL fails the climate test and should be rejected.”
In addition to the above statement, Oil Change International also launched a new cutting-edge “Keystone XL Myth Machine“, housed at http://bigoiltalkingpoints.com/.
Now, rather than reading countless press releases from the oil industry and its friends…you can have your very own oily talking point generated for you with a simple click. In addition, you’ll find actual facts about Keystone XL to balance out the oily talking points as well. See more at http://bigoiltalkingpoints.com/