
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

As problems delay start, community resistance continues against Mountain Valley Pipeline

June 1st, 2024, the grand opening day, came and went —but nothing actually happened. It was the latest of many proposed start dates that have come and gone over the years. The highly controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) was meant to start a year ago, then last month, and finally, on June 1st. Again, that deadline was missed. 

Kishida and Biden wine and dine while fueling climate chaos

Japan is continuing to drive the expansion of fossil fuels across Asia and is derailing the transition to renewable energy. This harms communities and ecosystems, undermines energy security, and worsens the climate crisis. The facts speak for themselves.

LNG Kills: How Biden’s Pause on New Export Authorizations Doesn’t Go Far Enough

While Manchin and his industry allies spread tired old myths about America saving the world from Putin and Chinese coal plants, the reality is the energy transition is already moving away from gas faster than most people think. That action needs to focus on a phase-out of all fossil fuel exports and protections and reparations for the frontline communities.

Gas Certification Programs Will Never Motivate the Worst Polluters

The oil and gas industry claims programs to “certify” gas will reduce emissions and allow them to market their gas as clean and safe for the climate. But a look at the companies that have committed to certification, and those who haven’t, highlights why voluntary programs fail to motivate the worst methane polluters – and why gas certification isn’t a viable climate solution.