
Read the latest insights and analysis from the experts at Oil Change International.

Ready, set, go!

Meet John Bolton who says the UN Paris Agreement is a “self-licking ice cream cone”

The bombshell news came as it always does, with a thundering Donald Trump text.

Letter: 200+ Groups to G20 & Multilateral Development Banks – Stop Funding Fossils

Over 200 civil society groups released a letter calling on multilateral development banks, including the World Bank, and leaders of G20 governments to commit to phase out subsidies and public finance for fossil fuels as soon as possible.

Why Does the IEA Keep Forecasting Climate Failure?

There’s a battle taking place over how we think our energy future will unfold. And tomorrow, the organization that arguably holds a near monopoly over how most decision-makers perceive this future – the International Energy Agency (IEA) – will release its latest volley.

Vive la France!

A Nobel Appeal to Norway