Letter: 200+ Groups to G20 & Multilateral Development Banks – Stop Funding Fossils
Over 200 civil society groups released a letter calling on multilateral development banks, including the World Bank, and leaders of G20 governments to commit to phase out subsidies and public finance for fossil fuels as soon as possible.
Sign-On Letter: 200+ Groups Say G20 Nations and Multilateral Development Banks Must Stop Funding Fossils
December 2017
Download the full sign-on letter.
On the eve of the One Planet Summit in Paris, France, as governments and stakeholders gather to discuss the urgent need for climate finance, over 200 civil society groups released a letter being sent to leaders of multilateral development banks, including the World Bank, and leaders of G20 governments.
The letter calls for multilateral development banks and G20 governments to commit to phase out subsidies and public finance for fossil fuels as soon as possible, except in extreme cases where there is clearly no other viable option for increasing energy access to the poor. This total phaseout should be achieved by no later than 2020.
Signatories including Oil Change International, Les Amis de la Terre – Friends of the Earth France, Christian Aid, Greenpeace, Reseau Action Climat – Climate Action Network France, WWF International, BankTrack, Climate Action Network International, Global Witness, 350.org, Germanwatch, Natural Resources Defense Council, CIDSE, and the Asian Peoples Movement on Debt and Development were part of more than 200 organisations from over 55 countries around the world who signed the letter.