Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

World Energy Outlook Exposes Governments’ Climate Action Shortfall

The International Energy Agency’s flagship annual report, the World Energy Outlook (WEO), is a widely recognized energy analysis that explores key trends in energy supply and demand. One year since governments around the world pledged to transition away from fossil fuels at the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, the WEO lays bare how much work is left to do for governments to follow through with the policies and funding needed for a livable planet.

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Oil Change International response to G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial meeting outcome

“Barely one year after the unprecedented COP28 decision to transition away from fossil fuels, the G20 seems to be suffering from collective amnesia. Producing a communiqué on the energy transition in 2024 that fails to even mention fossil fuels is absurd and deeply concerning. It raises questions about whether countries are serious about their international climate commitments."

Norwegian company contributes to disastrous oil drilling near a vulnerable Unesco area

The Oslo-based oil and gas company BW Energy seems ready to contribute to an environmental disaster and human rights violations in the form of oil drilling near the Unesco-certified Okavango Delta in Namibia and Botswana. Today, Oil Change International sent a letter to the CEO of BW Energy, Carl Krogh Arnet. We ask him to provide information about human rights violations and environmental damage associated with the project. The project may conflict with Norwegian law.

Countries tasked with leading efforts to increase climate action increasing oil and gas extraction by 33%

The COP Troika could prove valuable if it catalyzes more ambitious policies to limit warming to 1.5°C. However, expanding fossil fuel production is fundamentally incompatible with an ambition to submit '1.5-aligned Nationally Determined Contributions' (NDCs). Such actions are not only hypocritical but also set a dangerous precedent for other nations, undermining global efforts to address climate change.

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Biden’s UN Speech: Climate Claims Fall Short of Reality

During his address to the U.N. General Assembly, President Biden touted his climate accomplishments, ready to take his victory lap. But his term isn’t over yet — and there’s still much to be done to ensure the United States achieves its domestic and international climate goals.