Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at

OCI response to new COP21 text released Dec. 9 at 15h00 CET

Regardless of the ultimate outcome, the writing is already on the wall. Concerned communities around the world are demanding and building a clean, safe, and renewable energy future. The end of the fossil fuel era is inevitable. World leaders have a chance to catch up to a growing movement here in Paris, but they will have to spend the next two days working on behalf of people, not polluters.

Oil Change International response to House vote on crude export ban

The ill-conceived crude oil exports bill may have passed today in the House, but the bigger story is the loosening grip of Big Oil on our energy policy. Repealing the decades-old ban on crude exports has been Big Oil’s top legislative priority this year, and yet this bill is dead on arrival. Even this oil soaked House of Representatives can’t muster a veto-proof majority, and it is clear they don’t yet have the votes they need in the Senate either.