EIA: Once again projecting a future that will not come
Given EIA’s shoddy track record, today’s Annual Energy Outlook projecting climate doom leaves us feeling quite confident that we’ll continue to kick our fossil fuel addiction and tackle our climate crisis.
February 6, 2018
David Turnbull, david [at] priceofoil [dot] org
Lorne Stockman, lorne [at] priceofoil [dot] org
EIA: Once again projecting a future that will not come
Today the Energy Information Administration, now led by former Marathon Oil Vice President Dr. Linda Capuano, released its “Annual Energy Outlook 2018.” In response, David Turnbull, Strategic Communications Director at Oil Change International, released the following statement:
“Today’s EIA Annual Energy Outlook projects an energy future with continued fossil fuel reliance, which would result in climate catastrophe. Knowing what we know about the EIA, this is actually good news.
“EIA has a terrible history of vastly underestimating renewable energy growth, while in reality wind and solar energy continue to exhibit explosive growth far outpacing EIA outlooks. Meanwhile it continues to give the coal industry a lifeline in its projections while reality has shown a continuing decline for the industry.
“Given EIA’s shoddy track record, today’s Annual Energy Outlook projecting climate doom leaves us feeling quite confident that we’ll continue to kick our fossil fuel addiction and tackle our climate crisis.”