Press Room

Oil Change International is a research, communication, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating a just transition to clean energy. For media inquiries, please contact: Valentina Stackl at [email protected]

Release: Pennsylvania fracking boom coincides with increase in fossil fuel industry money

New analysis by Oil Change International, in partnership with Berks Gas Truth, released today shows that, since 2006, the fossil fuel industry has provided over $4.4 million in direct campaign contributions to members of the state legislature in Pennsylvania.

Report shows U.S. oil producers want to export U.S. crude oil to raise prices

A report released today by Oil Change International exposes the increasing desire of U.S. oil producers to export American crude oil despite only producing around 50% of U.S. demand. The move would enable oil producers to charge American refiners higher international prices for American crude.

New report exposes billions per year in additional fossil fuel subsidies

A new report released today exposes a largely unaccounted for subsidy to the fossil fuel industry, valued at roughly $4 billion per year and growing.

Reaction from Oil Change International to Climate Speech

Oil Change International applauds President Obama today for his show of leadership on climate change. By recognizing that “we can't just drill our way out of the energy and climate challenge that we face” the President has firmly put our nation’s commitment to our future and our children above the profits of the fossil fuel industry.

House Supporters of Keystone XL Took $56 Million From Fossil Fuel Industry

In todays House Keystone XL vote, those in support took in a combined $56 million from fossil fuel interests, $36 million from oil industry interests alone.

8 Senate Republicans Boycotting McCarthy EPA Nomination Took $5.2 Million from Fossil Fuel Industry

New analysis by Oil Change International revealed today that the 8 Republican members of the Senate Environment and Public Works committee who boycotted a vote on the nomination of Gina McCarthy to lead the US Environmental Protection Agency have received over $5.2 million in campaign contributions from fossil fuel interests.